To create our audience research we used an online survey called, which you can create questionnaires and then get feedback through the use of graphs and people can comment on thier reasons why they chose certain ratings of the video, this is a more useful and interactive way of getting feedback.
The overall impression was that there was a resounding approval of our music video and 100% agreed that it would encourage them to buy the album for both the music video and the digipak.
We then went into depth and asked if they could rate certain aspects of our video, e.g. Lighting, these are our results:

As you can see from these results all aspects were rated highly, some more then others, such as location which was rated the highest, which tells us that this was a strong point in our video and that lighting was one of the weaker aspects of our video.
We also asked there reasons, if they said they liked our video, there reasons for why they liked them, these are some of the reasons why (Click to Enlarge)

One of the main reasons why they liked our video was due to the narrative storyline, this was very important news for us as this was one of the most difficult parts we had to plan. Other reasons were a range of locations were used and had humour, one thing we tried to develop during the construction of the music video.
We also asked our audience what their favorite shot was, this was important as we wondered whether they focused on the parts we predicted them to, such as the establishing shot at the station, the freeze frame in the background as I perform the narrative, or just for the good shot composition, the dancing.
From this you can see our predictions were reasonably correct, however people enjoyed some stop motion, especially the eggs, which we were sceptical about so we are glad we included the humorous stop motion clips.
Due to the conventions of the Indy/Rap genre we wanted to know whether the audience could identify whether it was the right genre and if so, what aspects.
From this we again, got 100%, the majority said costume and location which were the ones we were hoping were going to be apparent as they are the most obvious aspects which you can relate to the genre due to fashion and areas, etc.
We also asked whether the ancillary texts backed up the music video and helped encourage the sales of the album, with yet again, a resounding 100% yes. This means that there is a direct link from our music video product to our ancillary text and the audience can idenitfy it immediately.
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