Using Goodwin's theory of critical framework the genre was apparent through certain conventions which it conforms to.
- The costume, this consisted of Denim, New Era hat and Con
verse shoes, this is apparent in other videos of the same genre of Indy/Hip Hop, such as Hadouken!, Example and Plan B.
- The location and sets as well from up in London, it is located in the South Bank area, where we filmed with the backdrop of the skate park, which could be linked to the traits of the indie genre for it’s preppiness and London for the Urban Style of Hip Hop.
- The notion of looking is presented upon a couple of time within the video to make it voyueristic, such as the MS shot of looking through the window whilst they argue which creates the effect that the audience is actually there watching in on the argument taking place.
- There is a notion of "breaking the fourth wall" common in all music videos as this can create a visual link the audience to the artist in a first mode of address.
Lyrics And Visuals
There is a link between visuals and lyrics, the majority of these are illustrative, such as:
- "End up working at the BBC as a runner," which then fades to a MS shots of Me in an office environment with cups of Tea which is stereotypical of a runner in other media texts such as "Deadset" where the character initially is a runner for Channel 4.
- Other instances are burning bills, with the MS of throwing a letter of a bill on the fire, this leads to the authenticity to the video due to him being entwined with bills, like the rest of us.
- There is amplification within the lyrics is that there is a love triangle occuring with the addition of an extra person, the boyfriend, Paul, this was an addition as there is an extra twist to the story.

Music and Visuals
There is also a link between sound and visuals such as:
- The lip synching, this is a convention which is apparent in music videos.
- The tempo is maintained throughout the video, it gets faster slighter nearer the end with increasingly faster cutting rate, this connotes desperation of finding each other.
- There is a rhythmic cut towards it as the beat coinsides sometimes with the cutting rythm.
Ideological Discourse
- There is heteronormative discourse within this video as there is a relationship in the narrative between a boy and a girl.
- The confict in the relationship in the video is created by the boyfriend entering the room and creating an alpha male dominance within the video physically with the weapon of a baseball bat.
- The lead singer also leads a male empowerment over the female as well as it focused more
with him then the female in the conflict.
- The female is left with a residual discourse of the Female doing the dishes in a Housewife role.
- Using semiotics we can find iconic signs in this video which we can link to the genre indy/rap and a music video.
- The costume stays similar throughour the video, the iconography with the converse has been apparent throughout all indy music, the hat as well with the new emergence of the genre indy/rap as well has New Era caps throughout.

Challenges Of The Genre
- The boyfriend is wearing is hood up with some nike trackies, connoting is within the ASBO culture and the stereotype for trouble.
- However this could develop the conventions of the Indy music video as they are in running competition with Urban music, such as grime and garage.
- The music is post-modern in its form, there is some intertextuality which mainly does challenge the indie genre, however some of these intertextual references do strengthen that the video does conform with the genre.
- One instance is the Boyfriend, the costume and baseball bat are intertextual references from the film sequel, Kidulthood and Adulthood. The audience knowingly interpret the narrative with these other texts as a frame of reference.
- However there is an instance in our video where we there is an intertexual reference from a different culture, this is a MLS of me dancing which challenges this genre as it is more related to American Gangster Rap.

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