Monday 2 November 2009

JB - Digipack And Advertisement Mock Up

The digipack which I have designed is a simplistic cover, the image depicted on the cover is a photograph of someone under artificial lighting, i.e streetlight and with bad weather, however in contradiction there will holiday items connoting the dream of going on holiday, however being stuck in England, which is the purpose of the Jamie T song, the newspaper cut outs for the title name is due to the fact of wanting to keep it amateur and in his start motif as very scruffy and not too much of a professional style.

The advertisement follows the same idea, there are palm trees and lamppost covering the rule of thirds and the largest font is his name, then it follows a dominant reading path along the page, until it gets to the release date, the advert it would run in would probably be NME as this specialises predominantly in indie style music, it will be a half page advert underneath a article as the audience will take more of a focused view of that page and the are more likely to notice this then if they are just flicking through, ignoring full page advertisements.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, this newspaper font idea is very good and we should develop further with other image motifs of Jamie T.
