What is the procedure for making a music video?1.The artist first of all produces an album with the record label and shows it to the record company. The artist and the management of the record label decide what they would like to be released as a single and therefore have a music video. The record company then provides the artist with an advance of money which covers the cost of the production. The record company also employ people to work with the artist i.e. a video commissioner.
2.The video commissioner then creates a brief for the music video which includes the budget, the deadline and other details which is then sent to the potential directors.
3.If any directors are interested, they make a proposal which contains their individual ideas on what they think the music video should look like.
4.The video commissioner then chooses their favourite idea and they have a meeting with the artist where the chosen director discusses further about what the music video should be. This is where budgets and deadlines are agreed.
5.The director also has discussions with the artist and the record label to agree on what the music video should look like and what kind of image it should portray.
6.The director then produces his idea as soon as possible and provides storyboards for the whole music video.
7.Several teams are employed such as: the production designer, choreographer, production manager, production assistant, stylists and camera crew.
8.The sets are then built and the shoot begins.
9.Once the shoot is completed, the film is transferred to the editing production team who spend a few days creating a rough cut.
10.The rough cut is shown to the label, artist and record company and they then provide feedback to the editor on what they would like improved, changed or altered.
11.Once the changes are agreed the finished product is given to the record label to sell to TV. This is where the money is made but before the artist makes any money the record label has to pay back the money it has paid in advance for the production.